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Omar Shaheen
Boosting the Immune System Naturally

Boosting the Immune System Naturally

It’s that time of year again! No I’m not talking about the Holidays, but instead, the season of cold and flu! Yes, that lovely time of year where inevitably, most of us get sick. As the weather gets colder, our immune systems can take a hit. So, what are some ways we can help our immune systems stay strong? The foods we eat are one of the biggest tools we have to boosting our immune system function and keeping those pesky bugs away during any season.   Emphasize Whole, Unprocessed Foods If we want to reduce the likelihood of catching...

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Omar Shaheen
Anti-Ageing and Telomeres

Anti-Ageing and Telomeres

Are Telomeres the Secret to Longevity? Written by Stephani Fenk, CNP You may have heard about research on the role of telomeres and their ability to slow down the aging process. Could it be true? These small caps on the end of our DNA are the secret to longevity? Today, I’m here to wade through the science on telomeres and give you some practical advice. Telomeres are found on the end of chromosomes, which are located in each of our cells and hold our DNA. To give you a visual of what they look like, you can think of the...

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Omar Shaheen
4 Ways to Ensure you are Emotionally Supported During a Cleanse

4 Ways to Ensure you are Emotionally Supported During a Cleanse

Written by Joelle Mintzberg, CNP When cleansing, we often focus on our food and drink consumption and the physical activity that we will commit to doing. But what about the emotional support we need? This is such a crucial addition to a successful cleanse because the best way to experience success with your reset program is to keep a positive outlook. Emotional support is a great place to start! Most of us know that nutrition and movement are important for health, but it is important to note that other factors, such as pleasure and emotional connection can also significantly influence...

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Omar Shaheen
The Basics of Making Stress Manageable

The Basics of Making Stress Manageable

Written by Stephani Fenkanyn Stress. We live with it. Some dread it. When it comes to stress and the way our over-stimulated, fast-paced lifestyles look like today, avoiding it isn't always an option. So, what can we do about it? How can we manage it? Realizing stress is unavoidable and perceiving it from a less negative point of view is the first step. Knowing what your body needs to thrive in the midst of the storm is the second. Here are some simple stress management tools for our busy lives: 1. Nourish The Body and Wake Up Your Consciousness What...

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