
Prepare Your Body For a Reset with a Raw Food Diet

Prepare Your Body For a Reset with a Raw Food Diet

When most people think of a cleanse, they think of a dramatic juice-only diet for several days and not a pause on their regular life. At Village Juicery, we believe in a more gradual approach to resetting that allows your body to adapt to new healthy habits and make some mindful changes to your lifestyle. From the nutritionist point of view, entering or exiting a juice fast without proper preparation can send your body into shock and inadvertently introduce more toxins, which is counterproductive to the investment you are making in yourself. The prepare stage of our reset program has...

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Village Picks: Super Immunity

Village Picks: Super Immunity

Title: Super Immunity Author: Dr Joel Fuhrman Length: 295 pages Rating (out of 5 ): Overall Score: 5 Readability: 4 Quality of Research: 5 Ability to Spark Change: 5 Overview Dr. Joel Fuhrman is a family physician who has dedicated his career to prevent and reverse disease through natural and nutritious means. This book was an excellent read and it will be a good addition to anybody’s health and wellness library - whether you’re a nutrition newbie or an expert in the industry. Dr. Fuhrman does a good job in reminding us how connected we are to the planet and...

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Haley Knox
Talking cacao with ChocoSol's founder

Talking cacao with ChocoSol's founder

In the third instalment of the Be a Villager series, we speak to the founder of ChocoSol, Michael Sacco, who turned thousand-year-old chocolate recipes from Mexico into one of the most ecologically sourced and packaged chocolate in the country. How did ChocoSol come about? My background is in solar technology. I have a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University and was studying in Oaxaca, Mexico. While I was there, a grandmother from one of the villages asked if I could do a special chocolate with this technology. I was looking for other applications – I already made pizza and coffee...

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Omar Shaheen
The Case for Going Organic: Understanding GMOs

The Case for Going Organic: Understanding GMOs

By Karen Parucha   What are GMOs? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are “organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that it does not occur naturally.” Scientists insert a gene from one organism into another to “improve” or change the organism. Also known as GM (genetically modified) or GE (genetically engineered) foods, GMOs were first introduced in the 1990s under the belief that their use would decrease production costs and increase crop yields, and thereby feeding more people. The first GMO crop was the Flavr Savr tomato...

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