Cocktail Recipes

Our favourite cocktail and mocktail recipes using our Cocktail Kit. Cocktails on the patio never tasted so fresh!

Watermelon Peach Spritzer Mocktail

  • 6 oz peach kombucha
  • 4 oz watermelon juice
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 6-8 ice cubes 
  • 4-6 mint leaves for garnish 


  1. Fill two tall glasses ½ of the way with ice (about 6-8 cubes). 
  2. Take mint leaves and gently clap them together in your hands - this helps to release the oils. Add them to the glass. 
  3. Pour watermelon and lime juices over top. Give a good stir.
  4. Pour peach kombucha overtop and give it a light stir to finish. 


Cocktail #1: The Villager 
  • 2 oz vodka
  • 4 oz watermelon juice 
  • 6 oz blueberry kombucha
  • 1 oz lime juice
  • 4-6 ice cubes 


  1. Combine vodka, watermelon and lime juices with ice. Mix until it is well chilled. 
  2. Strain out the juices and vodka, into two tall glasses, leaving the ice behind. 
  3. Pour blueberry kombucha overtop and give it a light stir to finish. 

Cocktail #2: Paper Plane

  • ¾ oz bourbon
  • ¾ oz aperol 
  • ¾ oz Amaro Nonino (or montenegro if you prefer) 
  • ¾ oz lemon juice


  1. Add all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake. 
  2. Strain into a short glass. 
  3. Try splitting the lemon juice with orange juice for a refreshing twist on the classic! 

Cocktail #3: Margarita

  • 3 oz tequila
  • 2 oz lime juice
  • ½ oz agave 
  • ½ oz orange juice
  • Salt to finish


  1. Add all ingredients, except salt, into a shaker with ice and shake. 
  2. Place salt on a plate. Press the rim of a chilled rocks or wine glass into the mixture to rim the edge. 
  3. Strain margarita into the glass.  

Cocktail #4: Peach Paloma

  • 3 oz peach kombucha
  • 3 oz tequila 
  • 2 oz grapefruit juice
  • 1 oz orange juice
  • ½ oz lime juice
  • Grapefruit slices to garnish


  1. Add all ingredients, except peach kombucha, into a shaker with ice and shake. 
  2. Strain mix into two short glasses, leaving the ice behind. 
  3. Pour peach kombucha overtop and give it a light stir to finish. 

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